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Hydropower electric generation

Hydropower is electricity derived by converting th


Methanation is a process of creating synthetic nat

Net zero

The concept of net-zero means that a structure (a

Photoelectric ​effect

The photoelectric effect is a natural phenomenon i

Photovoltaic cells

Photovoltaic conversion generates electricity dire

Photovoltaic solar power

Photovoltaic, or solar, cells are semiconductor ma


Regasification, also called vaporization is the fi

Renewable electric generation

Renewable electric generation is a broad category

Renewable energy credit (REC)

A renewable energy credit, commonly called a REC,

Renewable natural gas

By reclaiming methane from landfills, livestock op

Renewable portfolio standard (RPS)

A renewable portfolio standard, often called an RP

Solar power

Solar power is created by the conversion of energy

Synthetic natural gas (Syngas)

Synthetic natural gas (SNG), also sometimes called


A turbine is a machine in which the kinetic energy

Utility distribution company (UDC)

A utility distribution company (UDC) is an electri

Wind farm

A wind farm is a group of wind turbines that gener

Wind power

Wind power is created by the conversion of kinetic

Zero carbon

Zero carbon describes a process that has no greenh

Zero-emissions credit (ZEC)

A ZEC is a tradeable financial instrument that all